Author: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

Multispectral Image Sensors using Metasurfaces need to be low cost and accessible

Multispectral Image Sensors using Metasurfaces at At 23:35 I always get upset because I also have to deal with KiloHertz, Hertz, milliHertz, microHertz, nanoHertz signals from many kinds of sensors used on the Internet. Many of the “gravitational” detectors only work in narrow bands now, but can go up to gamma ray frequencies and
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Comments on Vivek Gupta’s dissertation Inference and Reasoning for Semi-Structured Tables by Vivek Gupta at @keviv9 Vivek, reading your dissertation, it is not necessary to have uniformly labeled data, uniformly tokenized and structured global knowledge. Free form data can be semi-structured, if exact copies are kept of the raw (free, original) data. So many can re-examine and add.
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DNAngels – DNA Genealogy

Hi Laura, Questions for your Angels: What would you consider the most time consuming but necessary part of finding birth parents with DNA? I am particularly interested in what you say about using Ancestry DNA. What DNA and online tools “work” best? Are you using AI tools yet to build the pedigrees, find and connect
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An AI should know its parts, abilities, locations, limitations and responsibilities

Kevin Mitchell @WiringTheBrain Self-Organization and Self-Governance – a really nice paper by Jenann Ismael on the crucial difference that self-representation makes to complex systems Replying to @WiringTheBrain Which is why all AIs should be required to know their limitations, ability, owners, designers, input sources, and construction. A child that does not know its
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Impacts of prizes

Dr. Amelia Rotaru @AmeliaRotaru What a day! 🌪️ Thrilled to be among the 5 recipients of Denmark’s Eliteforsk awards, presented by Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark & the Danish Minister of Education and Research. #Eliteforsk #Denmark DK has been kind to me. I often think about the impact of prizes on the countries,
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Gravitational signals cover all the same frequencies are electromagnetism

At please use the empty space to extend to 1E15 meters to cover low fruquency electromagnetic and gravitational wavelenghts. In frequency units 1 nanoHertz has a wavelength of 2.99792458E17 meters or 1E9 Light Seconds. I am looking for LWIR and longer wavelength lens materials. Since I work a lot with gravitational sensors, it always
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Magnetic binding – atomic structures, isotope reaction energies, atomic fuels and hyper strong materials

FermiLab: How do magnets work? at When two electrons or two protons are compressed together, the 1/r^3 magnetic energy (positive when magnetic dipoles attract) and the 1/r Coulomb energy (negative when the electric charges repel) can reach a minimum when they are at nuclear distances. Two electrons (Cooper pairs) or two protons (occurs inside
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properties of each pixel can be estimated and used to project the history backwards and forwards in time

NASASpaceNews: On JWST Found a Young Milky Way in the Early Universe by NASASpaceNews at The velocity and acceleration and properties of each pixel can be estimated and used to project the history backwards and forwards in time. Not generic evolutions, but very specific to time specific recorded data. Over larger regions, the back
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