Category: Internet efficiency

Comment on Jordan Sullivan, Neutrinos and Antimatter Video

Neutrinos and antimatter at Jordan, You can combine a particle and its anti-particle into a stable form, if you provide angular momentum. The external charge and magnetic dipole moments are effectively zero, and the particle is effectively all binding energy which has no mass. The pair can store most any amount of energy, but
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Comment on changing torsion bars to controlled shock absorbers – value of measurement and simulations

I Deleted My Tahoe’s Torsion Bars for Something Much Better at There are apps for your cell phone that record the data from the three axis accelerometer. So you can change the settings and run on a given road at different settings to see the change in the impulse response of the car to road
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Groups sharing models and data on the Internet, not paper – the case of “neutrino” OR “neutrinos”

Maury, Please post your Long Baseline Neutrino Newsletters on the Internet, and only send links and short announcements by email.  Make a member site and let people control their email notices. I think I wrote about this before, but is this newsletter available online somewhere.  My email only has a fixed part of the screen
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Comment on video about the solar interior – another way, with the whole human species working together

What Does The Inside Of The Sun Look Like? In the visualization from 3:00 to 4:00, I think there should be small particles coming from every point to every point in the detector. For instance something coming from the far upper right. to the far lower left. Not just radially outward from one point
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Comment on exploding cell phone batteries

My cell phone popped open when I was talking. The reason is the battery had expanded to three times its normal size. I searched the Internet and found this is called “swollen battery” and found some videos of cell phones exploding and burning when the swollen lithium battery is punctured or compressed. My question: Is
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Real world global communities on the Internet – Comment

Real-World Global Networks at Victoria, For the past 23 years I have been studying global communities.  I took over TheInternetFoundation (net org com) from Network Solutions in July 1998 after the original Internet Foundation was cancelled for US political reasons. It is not “networks”, though global communities use hardware and software. Rather it is people
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Comment on Kaoru GreenEmerald – The Whole History of the Earth and Life Kaoru GreenEmerald – The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】 As far as I can tell, this is an artistic interpretation of things you have read, thought about, and imagined. There are no links to source materials, data, models, groups, or calibrations. Yet, all the things mentioned, or hinted at, are
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Google’s calculators and unit conversion groups not working together towards common goals

Would like to be able to increase decimals, force display in scientific notation, and have versions of the calculator for different problems. “One size fits all” might work for a dozen people, but for billions, never. I would like to be able to open the calculator directly and have it remember my preferences, save types
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Comment on Downwind Faster Than the Wind by Veritasium, How Does it Work?

Downwind Faster Than the Wind by Veritasium: How Does it Work? A good quantitative simulation does not need words, and the process of design is more efficient, not maintaining an inaccurate word model alongside the simulation. The words will always be ambiguous, but the model can be calibrated and fit to measurements from the
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