Category: Solar System Colonization

NASA Web methods, policies, practices, staff, training, purpose

Emily, I have not forgotten about you and In fact, I spent many full days checking different aspects of what is going on, who is doing it, who it serves, how much (if any) user involvement is allowed, the level of practice shown in the pages, integration (or not) with contractors and federal agencies,
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About optically connected processors for home use and many things

Nora, Thanks, I will keep that in mind. If you cast tiny angular (square, triangular, for example) blocks of plastic on ends of an optical fiber, then polish the whole thing, that would give a fiber that would alighn properly with a corresponding hole and fiber (or fibers).  It is something that human hands could
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Merging and upgrading sensor networks towards new industries and materials

Shawn, The atmospheric gravitational noise is much larger than the signals from the subsurface (usually). The noise in that gravimeter you want to buy is mostly atmospheric and thermal radiation field connected. Calibrate it against the sun and moon first. Then against 3D near realtime atmospheric models. (Climate and meteorology are just atmospheric, and the
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Comment on Endaq Steve Hanly blog about accelerometer sensitivity

Accelerometer Specifications: Deciphering an Accelerometer’s Datasheet by Steve Hanly I see you mention temperature sensitivity. I am writing an article on gravimeters and recommending different ones. Someone estimated their response to temperature. It can be estimated for gravimeter arrays. Here is how I estimated it. Relation between gravity, magnetism and temperature at the earths
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Why the sun moon tidal signal is so important for helping global sensor arrays with calibration

Shawn, I worked with the US Agency for International Development, the US State Department, World Bank and many international organizations.  Most countries cannot afford to do their own mineral exploration, so outsiders come and take what they have. I helped put microcomputer training and technology into that system so that some countries could afford to
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Relation between gravity, magnetism and temperature at the earths surface

I wrote this yesterday, and then realized that if global climate change increases the global temperature by 1 degree then that will change the readings at all accelerometer sites. But the (word that starts with i) at NASA and other places don’t give you the absolute temperature time series, only the change. But the impact
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Comment on my video Windows USB GPS Device Based on UBlox Chip and UCenter Software

Windows USB GPS Device Based on UBlox Chip and UCenter Software @Ali Zitouna Hamed, I am not sure what you mean by “base ntrip”. I made this long ago and have not used UBlox lately. Since then i have been working on software defined radios, electromagnetic interference, gravitational wave detection, imaging arrays for gravitational
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Comment on Aerodynamic Center and Center of Pressure

Alexander, You are using what looks like to be a good computer tool for these calculations and visualizations. But you don’t explain your tools and give links to let others know what to use, or what you recommend. I watched your hysteresis video. It is really shaky and hard to watch. You could use
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Comment on Planetary Data System I like this site. It took me a while to understand it. But I don’t see the SIZE of the datasets in Bytes so I can plan on how large they might be and how long to download. And the tools that I need I have to find by reading. But that (the dependencies
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Solar System Colonization – Comment on How to Terraform Venus video (“terraform” OR “terraforming”) (“venus”) gives 14.3 Million entry points. There is certainly plenty of interest and people talking. The groups and individuals are just not working together effectively. (“planetary engineer” OR “planetary engineering”) has 34,600 entry points. Topic development on the Internet is generally mostly random and undirected. (“planetary” OR “planets”) (“engineering” OR “engineer”
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