Category: Experimenting

New Video: Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet

I am pretty exhausted, I have to ask others for help, rather than figuring it out myself. Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet – In the video I show some small steps as part of a broad program of changes over the whole Internet, but no way to
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Comment on Welding – semi-robotic, solar system colonization, contract work in vacuum, atomic fuels Randy, Thanks for the site!! Some good advice here. There are lots of options for making intelligent tools for human welders, rather than completely replacing them with robots. Have you run across this yet? For instance, I came to your site from a search “welding” (“current” OR “amperes”) “sticky” looking for the physics and
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IMT is now Atomica – Please also try making gravitational sensors

IMT sent me a note about their name change. I wrote back to ask them to work harder on gravitational imaging sensors which can be adaptations of MEMS accelerometer technologies they are already familiar with. I am encouraging anyone who makes MEMS accelerometers and inertial sensors to at least try to prepare for gravitational sensor
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Comment on Gravitational force In vacuum video This is nice to see, but it should lead off with where is it, who is involved, how much does it cost to pump the chamber empty, what do they think is still there in the chamber that is causing the feather and ball to fall the same. Lots of other things. Did you
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New Video: Atomic Masses, Atomic Decay energies, Gravitational GPS

Isotopic Masses, Fundamental Constant Groups, World Education, Gravitational Fuels I start by showing how bad PDF is for sharing data. I am trying to get a simple table of isotopic masses to check the nuclear data tables. And it is stored in terrible form. I had to copy and paste and edit to get
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New Video about the Internet YouTube Google Franck-Hertz Experiments

Yesterday: HoverBoxes Finally, Skins for Websites, Saving Layouts, Extracting from PDF, Global Groups Bubbling – Today: Using the Internet to find and encourage global communities engineering science AMOE – AMOE (Atomic Molecular Optical Electronic Magnetic Acoustic Mechanical … ) – Franck-Hertz

Comment on Persistent luminescence instead of phosphorescence Enjoyable read with many thoughtful ideas and descriptions. There are several energy sources for these photon flows, but thermal energy harvesting over long periods, then optical photon emission for shorter periods seems to be the theme. The energy stored in electronic states.   I am posting this on 18 Apr 2021: “persistent luminescence” has
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Using the Internet to represent and compress reality without loss

Ben, I read your description and it is clear.  I want the flexibility for myself.  If the environment and tool it rigid, I know that I won’t be able to build the things I want.  That includes (G) gathering and organizing things, (E) exploration and mapping new kinds of things (C) comparison and classification (S)
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