Category: Electromagnetic Gravitational Field

If there are no measurements, nor calculations, it is not science or engineering

UZH Physics: The jumping ring and Eddy currents at You did no measurements, nor calculations. So I do not consider it “science” or “engineering”. I am fairly certain there are also magnetic gradient forces involved. And you did not show the current and voltage pulse.  Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Acoustic Atomic Density Nuclear Electromagnetic
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Radiation dose in Joules/Kilogram, so is Gravitational Potential Not sure if this will add to your discussion, but Volt^2 might be easy to remember if you think of dosage in Photons per second, an Ampere of unit charge as (1/e = 6.2415091E18 per second) and energy in Watt seconds. Watts = Volts*Amperes = Volts^2/Ohm. The total absorbed dose in Joules/Kilogram is Watts*Seconds/Kilogram.
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Note to Bard about electromagnetic launch facilities using 3D field methods

I design an electromagnetic field launch facility that lift the Starship second stage to its mission height and velocity on the planned time schedule ( a few minutes). It completely eliminates or replaces the booster. More importantly it also can catch and gently set the returning craft back in its cradle. So the overall size
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Ben about the gravitational potential, gravitational energy density, global collaborations

Subject: Found the derivation of the gravitational energy density in a workable form Ben, Most humans live in little bubbles and are only vaguely aware of the whole.  So global policies, issues and opportunities are made up by many billions of people acting independently.  Or for “smaller” policies, issues and opportunities – millions, hundreds of
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Gravity images of the sun below the photosphere, Cameras and Memory Chips as gravitational detectors

Hi Athiray, I was just going to write you. I am reading about soft x-ray camera noise. “Performance characterization of UV science cameras developed for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter” And now reading “Modeling charge transport in Swept Charge Devices for X-ray spectroscopy” I have been tracking the solar imaging groups for several years, and slowly
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Richard Answers a question about zero gravitational acceleration, nanogravity, synthetic acceleration fields

Is there any space with zero gravity in the Universe? by Chinnaraji Annamalai, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Richard: The gravitational potential fills all of space. The earth, sun, moon, planets all have their own potential that adds to this. The total potential from all masses in the universe adds to roughly c^2 =
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Richard Chats with GPT 4.0 about gravity, Internet Foundation policies, projects

Richard: Jifemenko, Biot-Savart, Forward, Newtonian gravitational signals, time of flight forces and signals, Famine I measured the speed of gravity and found that it was the potential itself that was diffusing, not the force or acceleration. The potential at the earth is already there but it receives updates from the other bodies in the solar
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Anastasia Golubtsova – quark gluon plasma and gravitational energy density

Canadian Quantum Research Center: Probes of holographic models of 𝑁 = 4 SYM quark-gluon plasma on𝑅 × 𝑆3 by Anastasia Golubtsova Probes of Holographic Models of N=4 SYM Quark Gluon Plasma on RxS3 Probing the holographic model of N=4 SYM rotating quark-gluon plasma at Anastasia Golubtsova, You really had a lot more to
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Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about visiting the sun and Newtonian gravitational detector arrays and sensors

Richard: From the photosphere out, what is the mass of the solar atmosphere in earth masses? OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I don’t have precise information on the total mass of the solar atmosphere (including the chromosphere, the transition region, and the corona) in Earth masses. The
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Konrad Lehnert @Berkekey about MEMS gravimeters and other very sensitive accelerometers focused on ‘gravitational’ sources

Physics @Berkekey: Oct 13 Colloquium: Konrad Lehnert at Konrad Lehnert, Three axis MEMs gravimeters can be made sensitive enough to measure precisely the vector tidal sun moon signal that is the main part (about 98.5%) of the signal at a superconducting gravimeters station. Using the JPL ephemeris this is just the sun’s acceleration at the
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