Comment to Astronomical League

I had to try several times to get the LONG captcha code right.  My eyes are really tired and it makes no sense.  Finally realized they were using case sensitive.  It failed because it was more than 1024 characters. Did they tell me there was a limit?  No.  Did they warn me that I went
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All sky live cameras for teaching, research and learning to collaborate globally

Luis, Attilla —  Hi Dodie, Gary, I appreciate you looking into this.  I got a separate reply from Attilla Danko offering to help with monitoring and reporting on all sky visibility.  Lenses that see the whole sky will have visible areas on parts of the sky.  I have found live cameras where a few stars
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ClearDarkSky, All Sky Camera Standards and Goals, Education, Research, Weather and Climate

Luis, This year I joined the Houston Astronomical Society, the Astronomical League and now Texas Astronomical Society. I am a retired mathematical statistician, but I work full time still as Director of the Internet Foundation.  If you want me to bore you to tears about global Internet communities, I am happy to oblige. I have
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Gravity Research Foundation Campaign, Gravitational Engineering, Simulating Gravity

Samir, Glad you noticed it.  Most of my messages never get answered or noticed.  I guess they mostly get treated as spam.  I try to not let it bother me. Your paper is online now.  I guess I was in a hurry to read it.  It has a really ugly URL.  It really needs to
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Sample Internet Foundation Tasks and Projects

Sample Instructions: “server boxes” project Research “old computers with barebones boot and run my own server” Buy old or new mid tower that can hold 6 disks, fast SATA, NVME SSD for memory mapping to handle big transfers at maximum speed.  And enough processors to run batch jobs like compile chromium process google ngrams gather
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Comment on: Trabecular bone organoids, synthesizing earth-like gravity equivalents

Trabecular bone organoids – A micron scale prototype designed to study the effects of microgravity and degeneration – Alexandra, I received this note today about your work.  I have been tracking most all the levitation technologies on the Internet for some time. Then I realized that you probably know all this already, except maybe acoustic
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Comment on: What is Clay by Miss Territo Taking clay from natural soils requires mixing with water, settling, separation. Or crushing and dry separation, to get the fine enough particles that have the properties you want or need. And usually a degree of experimentation and learning to find the right sizes and properties that give different ultimate results. And some luck and
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Comment on BriTheMathGuy This Sum Amazes Me Every Time – Covid, Internet, Math on the Internet I turn off the sound, turn on the captions, set the speed to one quarter, and don’t look at you gesturing. Plenty of time and fewer distractions. Highly recommend using screen videos. Work out your presentation on the computer, record as you go. Explain the steps and move the pieces around yourself in real
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Solar structure and evolution, some notes on a global model of the sun, open and universally accessible on the Internet

Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard, You have described some of the pieces relevant for study of solar structure and evolution in words, pictures and pictures of equations.  The equations in the PDF are not in portable symbolic mathematical form.  The data from all the steps in the calibration of the model and its variations is not readily available. 
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New Video: Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet

I am pretty exhausted, I have to ask others for help, rather than figuring it out myself. Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet – In the video I show some small steps as part of a broad program of changes over the whole Internet, but no way to
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