Category: Internet efficiency

Comments on LibreOffice Sites and Community

Hello, Is there, somewhere, a profile of the Document Foundation community online?  The “LibreOffice community”?  The “Community Map” has no weights or sizes. I looked at the people and groups that you follow, and a bit of who they follow and are linked to.  I attached my notes. The totals are not indicative of
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Merging and upgrading sensor networks towards new industries and materials

Shawn, The atmospheric gravitational noise is much larger than the signals from the subsurface (usually). The noise in that gravimeter you want to buy is mostly atmospheric and thermal radiation field connected. Calibrate it against the sun and moon first. Then against 3D near realtime atmospheric models. (Climate and meteorology are just atmospheric, and the
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Comment on Planetary Data System I like this site. It took me a while to understand it. But I don’t see the SIZE of the datasets in Bytes so I can plan on how large they might be and how long to download. And the tools that I need I have to find by reading. But that (the dependencies
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Solar System Colonization – Comment on How to Terraform Venus video (“terraform” OR “terraforming”) (“venus”) gives 14.3 Million entry points. There is certainly plenty of interest and people talking. The groups and individuals are just not working together effectively. (“planetary engineer” OR “planetary engineering”) has 34,600 entry points. Topic development on the Internet is generally mostly random and undirected. (“planetary” OR “planets”) (“engineering” OR “engineer”
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Comment on Oregon State University Internet for MagnetoTellurics Hello, I have been looking at global sensor networks for the Internet Foundation. Now magnetotelluric networks. I notice you have data at IRIS, but for visitors to your site, it seems hard to know where you data would be on I have been asking around, and there do not seem to be
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Explaining to MathWorks about Infinite Levels of Knowledge and Hover

Jordan, Image Acquisition Toolbox: Your online, and now the attached price list, is not appropriate for “Home” users. Today someone fixed the website issue where the license information was not accessible.  I could not open my account information. Now, when I look at my account information, “Manage Products”, it has  “But Add-Ons” as a working
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Comment to Allsky Camera Facebook group about context and daytime uses of cameras I am looking at daytime uses of all sky cameras. Satellite images are a bit too bulky and not enough resolution for correlations. Need multiple cameras to recover 3D of clouds. I have seen groups aiming at comets, planes, clouds, rain, sky color, daytime astronomy (is possible), sun and moon tracking, shadows, reflections, multispectral,
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Comment on String Data Structures Question – Purpose and Meaning

Strings are just one example of the larger problem of sequences and patterns (any dimensions). This morning, I am just surveying the Internet for rock types and measurements used in geochemistry. There are many methods and representations. Does the student like to explore, to gather, to find general patterns, to share what they have found,
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Comment on Fusion Rockets Video Neutrons have a permanent magnetic moment and can be accelerated (controlled) by magnetic gradient fields. This included dynamic gradients of many sorts. And nanoscale fields. search “neutron acceleration” and “neutron deceleration” to see people have not ignored the need to control and use neutrons. There are a thousand times that many people working on
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Archiving and Sharing lossless sky data for all the people on earth

Dominic, I spoke to Chuck Allen, vice president of the Astronomical League, yesterday — “The Astronomical League is composed of over two hundred and forty (280 now) local amateur astronomical societies from all across the United States.” (pretty thin description) We talked almost an hour about the growth of Internet sharing (I
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