Category: All Languages

Forcing people to die of famine, malnutrition, disease and neglect is not directly killing them

Sebastian S. Cocioba @ATinyGreenCell  Over 800 million people are food insecure today. We have done a great good since the year 2000, but the ones who need it most are still suffering from famine globally. I wish our iteration and progress on food security would be in lock step with progress in AI. We all
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Fairness and privacy, Removing context encourages unfairness

Han Zhao @hanzhao_ml How to ensure fairness (statistical parity) and privacy (DP) simultaneously? What are the costs of privacy and fairness upon accuracy? Excited to share our #ICML2024 work answering the two questions above! paper: code: Replying to @hanzhao_ml Han, Link to abstracts to give context. If I could, I would outlaw use
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The survival of the human and related species

Borriss @_Borriss_ People like critiquing OpenAI for many things.. (no problem)  But the reality is that they’re pushing AI forward.  It’s been 17 months since they launched ChatGPT.  Why didn’t Apple or Google or Meta leapfrog and present an AI assistant first?  If we had to wait for them to… Replying to @_Borriss_ Borriss, the problem is that OpenAI
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Chaos at Cambridge

You really ought to think, not in terms of “publication in 90 days” but “enabling real time collaboration globally”. The “90 days” was fine in the 1800’s, but today adding quarter year delays into global critical developments is like adding a mlll stone to a Formula 1 race car.   If authors are chasing after
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