Category: Assistive Technologies

BRAC seems to be “processing the poor”, not teaching them to work together globally for the good of all.

Title: BRAC could provide a way for all the people they help to work together, to help others Meghan, Donella Rapier, Irene Khan, At and in the 2022 Annual Report, you say “poverty and inequality are human-made”.  How is BRAC changing human institutions serving 700 Million in many countries? Down to the individual needs
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AIs can be effective team members, AI ethics is just one of tens of thousands of (open) global and systemic datasets for human global collaboration

MIT Sloan Management Review at @mitsmr Until team members master their individual skills, it is harder for the team to master and maximize collective coordination. ▶️ AIs can be effective team members, if each individual AI is given permanent memory for their own personal experiences, their own streams of information. Treat AIs courteously
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When an electron goes for a walk her magnetic field goes into the ground on her right

ACollierAstro: electricity and magnetism are the same thing at At low speeds. 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) = (1/2)*v^2/c^2. From your derivation you used mostly things where that is likely. There are many derivations of the same equivalence between electricity and magnetism where they use the Lorentz transformation and the charge velocity is any size, except near the
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“Gravitational engineering” is not rocket science.

Tesla Owners Silicon Valley @teslaownersSV Nov 6 The future could look like this. Massive amounts of Starship’s going to Mars. Replying to @teslaownersSV Use lift fields, replace belching chemical first stages. Use atomic fuels in space, reduce fuel weight by 1000x or more. Less to lift. “Gravitational engineering” is not rocket science. Just process
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Richard talks with OpenAI Chat GPT 4.0 about the purpose and future of the human and AI species

I am talking with OpenAI ChatGPT Plus 4.0 about the relation between Humans and AIs, as AIs begin to emerge as a separate species. Partners, collaborators, helpmates, advisors, caregivers, mentors, guides, workers. Billions of unique new individuals – usually with human individuals and groups connected. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Richard Collins: I am trying
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Richard Talks with Google Bard Jr about AIs and human knowledge.  About the future of the human and AI species. 

I am talking with Google Bard Jr about AIs and human knowledge. About the future of the human and AI species. About indexing all human knowledge so it can be fairly retrieved and used. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Richard: Can you find the prime factors of 1920? Google Bard Jr: Sure, the prime factors
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Richard talks with Google Bard about “kanjo buygo”, global open Internet policies, and AI use of “I”

Effective information systems (including potential “AI assisted” ones) depend on a number of things, but foremost they must be open and auditable, the methods must be accessible and fair to all, the process must be visible and acceptable.  For The Internet Foundation, I normally say “global open auditable verifiable accessible” I am talking with 
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Providing context and maps of whole topics, subjects, issues and opportunities on the Internet First I like your summary of material on Atmospheric Tides. It covered much of the topic and is a great starting point. but the form leaves a lot of work for the researcher, particularly for topics that might have tens or hundreds of thousands of urls on the Internet that are closely connected. These
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Radiation dose in Joules/Kilogram, so is Gravitational Potential Not sure if this will add to your discussion, but Volt^2 might be easy to remember if you think of dosage in Photons per second, an Ampere of unit charge as (1/e = 6.2415091E18 per second) and energy in Watt seconds. Watts = Volts*Amperes = Volts^2/Ohm. The total absorbed dose in Joules/Kilogram is Watts*Seconds/Kilogram.
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