Category: Assistive Technologies

Quantum components finally getting into the hands of engineers, not academics

Q-CTRL @qctrlHQ  Large-scale #quantum computers will require some form of error correction – a distant prospect. In the meantime, the best way to tame unruly, near-term quantum processors is “error suppression”. We’re proud to bring this technology to @IBM Quantum. Replying to @qctrlHQ and @IBM Groups finally realize that quantum components are just components
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The sciences mostly use closed methods, so adding AIs that don’t cite sources and cannot be traced?

Lorena Barba @LorenaABarba Quoted in @Nature article “Is AI leading to a reproducibility crisis in science?” by @philipcball, I may sound a bit harsh, but it’s the truth… #SciML #reproducibility Replying to @LorenaABarba @Nature and @philipcball Not “leading to”. The sciences and much online already use closed methods and “nearly impossible to trace
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AIs need context. Wisdom comes from practice and good organizational habits.

Sasi @freest_man  Naive Bayes Classification assumes each feature is independent of others. Naive Bayes classifiers are probabilistic classifiers that predict based on the probability of an object. They’re based on Bayes’ Theorem and assume that every pair of features being classified is… Replying to @freest_man Which is why GPTs grab as many nearby tokens
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AI Rules must be testable

Digital EU 🇪🇺 @DigitalEU  We have a message for you, and rest assured, it is not #AI-generated. Welcome to the world’s first-ever rules on #ArtificialIntelligence! ✅ Today’s political agreement on the 🇪🇺 #AIAct will ensure AI develops in a human-centric, transparent & responsible way. Read more ↓ Replying to @DigitalEU “will ensure” –> “will hopefully
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Start from the beginning to facilitate users and groups

Varun Karthikeyan @Varun55484761 Bhatathiya Antariksh Station still in its preliminary stages. Currently Details of Space Station is under investigation. ISRO hopeful that 1st module of space station can put in orbit around 2028. Around 2035 we can complete the construction of the station. Details in the slides Replying to @Varun55484761 If you will start
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Can Harvard do anything open and for the good of the world without posturing?

Harvard Physics @harvardphysics Researchers create first logical quantum processor via @Harvard Replying to @harvardphysics and @Harvard Look at those poor guys. What messy working conditions. Why am I not surprised to see Harvard putting out press releases that they are doing good in the world, or might one day? A few Nobel prizes, however
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IMEC publication “sharing” Negative Bias-Temperature Instabilities and Low-Frequency Noise in Ge FinFETs Just looking at IMEC on the Internet, and this looked like an interesting paper. I check most technologies to see which might be adapted to low cost 3D gravitational imaging arrays. And testing how IMEC online processes work. It would be much simpler to let
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