Category: Assistive Technologies

AIs telling humans what to do, not doing it for them

Kirk Borne @KirkDBorne Free 234-page PDF eBook >> Introducing the #Mathematics of Machine Learning: by @smolix  #BigData #DataScience #AI #Algorithms #MachineLearning #DataScientists #DataLiteracy #Statistics #Optimization #LinearAlgebra Replying to @KirkDBorne and @smolix The need on the Internet, is NOT for paper (PDF is paper) that requires human eyes and brains to transcribe, but AI-compatible
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Preview, index and curate when sharing, use AI assistance to go deeper than one list

Kirk Borne @KirkDBorne  800 free #ComputerScience classes you can take online right now, most have video lectures: — #BigData #DataScience #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ComputerVision #Robotics #QuantumComputing #WebDevelopment #Databases #Algorithms Replying to @KirkDBorne Lists require much duplicate effort, when you have many viewers and readers. So curate and preview these sites, filter and
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All images, videos and sensor data should have global open controls and tools for all humans

Viki @Viki Dec 25 ‘Tis the season to be jolly and what could be jollier than a collection of holiday greetings from some of your favorite stars! Watch all your favorite celebrities in all your favorite dramas now, on #Viki! Replying to @Viki I wrote this comment on Viki a couple of years ago,
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Anton Petrov – solar sails, rather make solar system sized interferometers and telescopes

Anton Petrov: So, What Happened to Project Breakthrough Starshot? Here’s What We Know at It is much cheaper to make Mars Earth Moon baseline interferometer telescopes at many different frequencies to look at the whole universe more precisely than to waste time sending a camera to one near star. Check the resolution of mm
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Space and solar system colonization

Acceleron Aerospace I checked your site and company a bit. You are just getting started and need to put more effort into your websites. At check your console error messages. Your supporter image is missing and many others. I have been working mostly on Twitter for building communities and testing groups. I posted a
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Stephen Wolfram has no captions

Stephen Wolfram @stephen_wolfram Future of Science and Technology Q&A (December 22, 2023) Replying to @stephen_wolfram No captions on twitter videos? Memorizing still more arbitrary rules for every device and situation looks rather a bleak future. You looked tired. YouTube video also – no captions. What you said, created, and see must not be important
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Black holes are gluon stars

The Infographics Show: Scientists Reveal What’s Actually Inside a Black Hole – A black hole is just one of a large class of quark gluon stars that contain high density gluon matter. And dense enough to trap visible light, but not gravity. But it does not condense under pressure until very large amounts of
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Then AIs can routinely win Nobel Prizes

Eric Pop @profericpop Some thoughts for student researchers from the @NobelPrize lecture of Louis Brus (quantum dots, 2023). Replying to @profericpop and @NobelPrize Find some reliable AIs, help them learn to find, record and standardize the material. Require them to index it all, cite sources, log efforts losslessly, and verify with global human
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