Category: Global Climate Change

Comment of Gravitational Fields and Gravitational Waves – history of vector tidal signal calibration and imaging arrays

Hello, I had reason to write out some of what I found measuring the speed with which the gravitational potential comes to equilibrium. It is rather long, but perhaps might be useful. I am trying to encourage the development of arrays of three axis, high sampling rate gravimeters to use for imaging sites of interest
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Scripting with video samples and Forum posting, Multiple camera clusters, arrays and sharing

Hello, I have been using Sharpcap for testing cameras.  But I am only now getting things set up after several years of trying to select or design the telescopes and cameras. For single cameras I am running these kinds of manual captures. I have to manually set the gain, exposure and processing steps. Then I
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Comment on Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel?

Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel? – Fifth Gear The weight reduction impact shows up if you start and stop as part of a test. Aerodynamic drag goes as the density of air times the velocity squared. You should have waited for a day identical to the first. You guys are in
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Comment on Quantifying the potential causes of Neanderthal extinction

Axel, Thank you for sharing your paper. notified me that you had uploaded it.  I read it this morning, then read it again.  I wish your model was in a form that could be shared more easily. I follow groups using the internet.  I am interested in how people approach complex problems, and the
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Comment on Houston Astronomical Society website and practices

Debbie, First, your novice videos should be globally public on your website.  Either HAS is an organization devoted to all people knowing about the sky and heavens, or not.  Share openly.  If there are things specific to secure gatherings at private places, those should not be shared, but minimized or separate.  I tell groups like
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Is there an Internet data policy for SKA and related data? Human value of shared raw, live data streams

Karen Lee-Waddell, Pete Wheeler, SKA web contact, I am trying to piece together the Internet data sharing policy for SKA from what is visible on the Internet. Is SKA data going to be available to everyone on the Internet?  In accessible form? Reading these it seems SKA data is only for certain people for very
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Models at CCMC, Vitmo ModelWeb Browser Results, Fundamental constants and equations used

Hello, I was enjoying your model site.  One of the better ones on the Internet in terms of ease of use and clarity. The only thing that I would like different is to have parameters in the generated URL, so that I can bookmark a run and go back to it again, without manually entering
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Comment on Climate Change video from TED

Watch the 2021 TED Countdown Global Livestream | Take action on climate change So now TED is an entertainment channel? There used to be some thought and effort. But now it is all click bait. 2:35:16? Where is your data and models? All talk. There are 150,848 views at 5:00 am 31 Oct 2021
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Interesting Green Wall Video of Volunteers from many countries – Can you see the Green Walls from space yet?

Great Green Wall – Africa For Africa at I wonder if you can see the Green Walls of Africa or China from space yet? If it is visible in the AVHRR or other satellites, and if it is already changing weather patterns, wind, moisture and dust? When I asked that of Google, I got back
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Self reproducing robot societies that live in the desert and convert sunlight to cities

I have had deserts on my mind a lot over the last few decades.  All during the 1980’s I worked on populations forecasts and issues in Africa, then the Famine Early Warning Systems (, then global climate change.  I sort of keep up with any efforts to turn those vast areas into something more suitable
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