Category: Internet efficiency

New Video: Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet

I am pretty exhausted, I have to ask others for help, rather than figuring it out myself. Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet – In the video I show some small steps as part of a broad program of changes over the whole Internet, but no way to
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3D Video, Camera accelerometer gyro inertia, depth, all sky, global correlation networks

I am watching many live videos on the Internet.  It is an exploding social phenomena on the Internet.  I am interested in the machine vision, artificial intelligence, image processing, sensor correlation network sides of it as well. Here I am looking at a bridge over a river.  At the moment I happened to start, it
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Comment on Odaiba Tokyo Live Webcam – Standards for live Internet data streams and archives

Dear Reader, I am watching your live webcam at with the title レインボーブリッジと東京タワー 4Kライブカメラ、お台場東京、高層マンションからライブ配信。首都高速台場線、お天気カメラお台場東京。【ちんあなご】Livecamera RainbowBridge I was curious what kind of camera you are using, its lens and horizontal field of view.  There are thousands of live webcams on the Internet now, and no standards for documentation.  I personally think it would be good if
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New Paradigm for the Internet – Hoverboxes, HoverCards, Layouts, Workstations

When I recommended HoverBoxes to GitHub and others, I intended that they also be moveable, resizable, and hoverable and clickable themselves. And that they could be dragged to Boxes/Panels/Cards to be iconized (an icon substituted and placed on the panel, which hovers opened the HoverCard/HoverBox.) And that the HoverBoxes/HoverCard layouts for a screen or work
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Sharing equations, algorithms and data in immediately usable form on the Internet

Anatoliy, I was looking at “nuclear data” on the Internet and at “ENDF”.  I came across your 17 Oct 2018 posting at entitled “Converting ENDF libraries into relational format” Searching to see if you had written anything else on the topic, I also found you listed in Universiti Tenologi Malaysia Library at with
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Comments on “General Nuclear Database Structure”

Michael, For the Internet Foundation, I am reviewing “nuclear data” on the Internet. Today I am looking at “ENDF”: At Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) under “The ENDF Format” at the bottom is has “Beyond the ENDF Format”: Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) – WPEC Expert Group on the Recommended Definition of a General Nuclear
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New Video: Atomic Masses, Atomic Decay energies, Gravitational GPS

Isotopic Masses, Fundamental Constant Groups, World Education, Gravitational Fuels I start by showing how bad PDF is for sharing data. I am trying to get a simple table of isotopic masses to check the nuclear data tables. And it is stored in terrible form. I had to copy and paste and edit to get
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Comment on: Can you split an electron? Muhammad Khan, There are many possible ways that an electron can evolve into other particles, depending on the energy. As an electron interacts with the vacuum, at some point the “electron” ceases to be a localized and simple thing. The waves induced in the vacuum can take many forms. The most useful representation (my
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