Category: Experimenting

Particle Clicker Game at CERN

Hello, I was looking at all groups working on games on GitHub and came across this particle clicker game. and “An addictive incremental game that teaches players the history of high energy particle physics” So you click, it pulls up a random diagram of a scattering event, with no associated data.  Shows it
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Looking for low cost linear arrays of photosensors, maybe contact image sensor arrays

Jean, I want to find a contact image sensor CIS that has high dots per inch, large color depth (bits per pixel color) and fast speed (lines per second). I need three of them, and don’t know where to buy the parts. I just started looking and found that the mobile document scanners (Brother) seem
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Create arbitrary fields through simulation, measurement, and calibration.

A wave traveling between two parabolic antennas You might try receiver-transmitter pairs, where each inverts the signal to build a standing wave. Use the final state inside the volume (arbitrary and time dependent if you want) as the constraint, then solve for the signal modifications needed at each site. I first saw this more
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Inertial drives need precise and addressable impulse response functions

Two Scientists Are Building a Real Star Trek Impulse Engine The software defined radios SDRs can transmit as well as receive. Most importantly the software for efficient FFT tracking and display is fairly well developed, so measuring and tracking the impulse response function from microHertz to GigaHertz is not so expensive. A solid, or
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Comment on The 49 dollar, 500 WattHour eBike Battery video You talk about motivations for watching and DIY at about minute 14. The reason I am watching is I have a lifetime of learning how things work, what they can do, and how to put them into different combinations. Often the off-the-shelf parts don’t fit, or are overkill or too expensive. Mostly they just
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Comment on Video about laser interferometer design and use – replace superconducting gravimeters

Counting Atoms with the Doppler Effect – Heterodyne Interferometer by Sam Zeloof at Sam, I sent you an email about using this to replace the network of superconducting gravimeters with something more people can afford. You have several orders of magnitude available to you by very small adjustments. SGs cost several hundred thousand and
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Comment on Flywheel energy storage experiment video

Electrical tests! | 2 Mechanical Battery by Black Sahara at I like what you are doing or I would not comment. Please get a stand for your camera. Learn to solder. Learn to use sound card oscilloscopes and spreadsheets. Keep up the great work!! Thanks for the videos!! Put a “support” “donate” button somewhere.
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Comments on a video tour of Cern’s Atlas facility

360° tour: ATLAS Experiment – Inside CERN’s largest detector! Dear Atlas at Cern: There are two purposes for a video like this. One is to simulate what physical visitors do and see if they ever have a chance to visit. You show the parking lot, door, elevator, tunnels, and things. You show things from
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Comment on Optical fiber coupling to photonics chip

Optical fiber coupling to photonics chip by Wojciech Lewoczko-Adamczyk at Suggest you use the whole screen for the graphs, equations, diagrams. It is too small to read easily and I do not need to see your face while you are looking at the screen. Such are called “screen videos”, where you and the viewer
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